CV工作經驗用英文點寫? 呢啲用字令你嘅經歷更亮眼!

喺寫英文CV嘅時候,work experience係非常關鍵嘅一部分。通過對工作經驗嘅描述,你可以向HR展示你嘅專業能力、工作成果以及領導才能等各方面嘅優勢。但係,好多人都覺得用英文寫工作經歷好難,唔知道點樣用詞術語先至得體、專業。下面我哋就嚟分享一啲實用嘅詞彙同表達技巧,幫你將CV嘅工作經驗部分寫得更加精彩亮眼!

用powerful verbs凸顯你嘅主動性同影響力

描述工作經歷時,唔好凈係用”responsible for”、”participated in”呢啲比較被動、中性嘅詞語。相反,我哋要善用一啲powerful verbs,突出你嘅主動性同對業務嘅影響力。例如:

  • Spearheaded / Led (領導、倡導):強調你喺項目或者團隊中嘅領導角色。
  • Pioneered (開創):表明你係某個新領域、新方向嘅先鋒。
  • Revamped (改進):凸顯你對既有流程、制度嘅優化同革新。
  • Championed / Drove (倡導):強調你對某個idea嘅推動同支持。
  • Orchestrated / Developed / Planned (策劃):突出你喺統籌協調方面嘅能力。

量化你嘅成就 Quantify your achievements


  • Boosted sales by XX% through implementing a new marketing strategy.
  • Reduced production costs by XX% by streamlining the manufacturing process.
  • Increased customer satisfaction rating from XX% to XX% within 6 months.
  • Managed a team of XX members and completed the project XX days ahead of schedule.

突出係嘅軟技能 Highlight your soft skills

除咗technical skills之外,好多HR都好重視candidate嘅soft skills,例如communication、teamwork、problem-solving等。喺描述工作經歷時,可以適當咁incorporate一啲呢方面嘅keywords,突出你嘅綜合素質。例如:

  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to successfully launch a new product line.
  • Demonstrated strong problem-solving skills by identifying and addressing a critical issue in the supply chain.
  • Facilitated effective communication between the marketing and sales departments, resulting in a more coordinated approach.

Tailor your language to the job requirements

唔同嘅職位對work experience嘅要求各有唔同,所以我哋要根據job description嚟tailor自己嘅用詞。例如應徵一個digital marketing嘅職位,就要強調你喺social media marketing、SEO、data analytics等方面嘅經驗;應徵一個project manager嘅職位,就要多用”coordinated”、”oversaw”、”executed”等詞彙,突出你嘅project management skills。

總括嚟講,要用英文將CV嘅work experience寫得出色,關鍵係要用powerful verbs、quantified achievements、soft skills keywords以及job-specific language嚟提升表達嘅力度同專業度。希望以上嘅tips能夠幫到你寫出一份令HR眼前一亮嘅英文CV,成功爭取到面試機會!

JUPCV: 今次呢篇文章因為講寫英文CV,又中又英,Well, Well, Well…. HAHAHA 😀


JupCV is a professional HR consulting firm founded by top-performing consultants from global listed recruitment firms and senior HR executives from large MNCs. We have a proven track record and experience in CV writing (resume building), career coaching, interview skills improvements for job seekers at all levels.