政府部門通常對應聘者嘅學歷背景有較高要求,特別係果啲專業性較強嘅崗位。喺Education部分,除咗列出你嘅學位、專業等基本信息外,最好能夠強調一啲同應聘部門相關嘅coursework、research project或者internship experience。例如:
Bachelor of Social Science in Public Administration, City University of Hong Kong
Relevant Coursework: Public Policy Analysis, Government and Public Affairs, Public Finance
Capstone Project: Conducted a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of Hong Kong’s public housing policy
突出公共服務相關嘅work experience
政府部門非常重視應聘者喺公共服務方面嘅經驗,無論係喺政府部門、非牟利組織抑或係其他公共事業單位。喺Work Experience部分,要優先列出呢類經驗,並用具體嘅數字同例子嚟凸顯你嘅貢獻。例如:
Housing Department, HKSAR Government (2018-2021)
Administrative Officer
- Coordinated the implementation of a new public housing scheme, successfully providing affordable housing for over 10,000 low-income families
- Streamlined the application process for public housing, reducing the average processing time by 30% and improving client satisfaction rate from 75% to 90%
政府部門對員工嘅skills同training有特定嘅要求,例如language proficiency、computer skills、knowledge of government procedures等。喺Skills and Training部分,要針對性咁列出呢啲skills,並提供相關嘅certifications或者training experiences嘅證明。例如:
Language: Fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin
Computer Skills: Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, statistical analysis software (SPSS), and database management
- Completed a 6-week training program on “Effective Public Administration” organized by the Civil Service Training and Development Institute
展示你嘅leadership skills同teamwork abilities
政府部門非常注重員工嘅leadership potential同teamwork abilities。喺Achievements部分,可以列舉一啲你領導或者參與team projects嘅例子,並用具體嘅數字嚟突出成果。例如:
- Led a cross-departmental team of 15 members to organize a large-scale public consultation forum on healthcare reform, attracting over 500 participants from diverse backgrounds
- Collaborated with colleagues from different bureaus to develop a new e-government platform, which increased the efficiency of inter-departmental communication by 50%
一份出色嘅政府工CV,要喺education、work experience、skills等方面突出同政府部門相關嘅背景,同埋展示出你喺public service、leadership、teamwork等方面嘅潛力。希望通過以上嘅範例解析,你可以掌握到政府工CV嘅撰寫要點,從而令你嘅履歷表更加專業、更加出眾!