We’re thrilled to announce the launch of JupCV Jobs!

🚀 Hello Jupseekers! How are you? 🎉

🌐 We’re thrilled to announce the launch of JupCV Jobs (https://www.jupcv.com/jobs) – your new go-to career portal! After refining your CV, we’re taking it a step further by connecting you directly with top employers.

🤝 We’ve partnered with companies that truly value their employees, ensuring you find not just a job, but a great place to work.

👀 It’s brand new and we need your help to spread the word! Please share it with your friends to help more job seekers benefit from this unique platform.

💬 Find it useful? We’d love to hear from you! WhatsApp us your feedback and help us make your job search experience even better.

🙌 Support us in making a difference in the job market. Your participation has been crucial in our journey over the past 4 years!

🔗 Dive into JupCV Jobs today and start applying for your dream job!

🚀 Hello 搵工仔!!! 我哋有個好消息要同大家宣佈! 🎉

🌐 我哋講左好耐好耐嘅求職平台推出左喇!! JupCV Jobs (https://www.jupcv.com/jobs) 唔知可唔可以話我哋係第一個由搵工仔創建嘅求職平台呢?!?! 搞掂左份CV之後,係時侯會進一步,去搵好公司入啦!

🤝 JupCV(執CV)團隊好努力咁搵真正重視員工嘅公司合作,希望你唔單止搵到一份工作,仲可以搵到一個好嘅工作環境去創建你嘅事業。

👀 呢個平台係最新開始,想有好D好工,好需要搵工仔們幫手宣傳開去,多D人去就可以吸引多D好老闆,所以請大家開心SHARE呀!

💬 另外,歡迎隨時同我哋分享你嘅意見! 可以喺WhatsApp度同我哋講,等我哋可以改善你嘅搵工體驗。

🙌 請大家支持下我哋JupCV Jobs,無你哋JupCV執CV都無今日呀,我哋一齊努力呀搵工仔~~

🔗 今日就上JupCV Jobs,開始搵你夢寐以求嘅工作啦!

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JupCV is a professional HR consulting firm founded by top-performing consultants from global listed recruitment firms and senior HR executives from large MNCs. We have a proven track record and experience in CV writing (resume building), career coaching, interview skills improvements for job seekers at all levels.